Shipping Point Vegetable Report - Orlando, FL

ORLANDO Shipping Point Prices as of 03-APR-2024 Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (407) 365-8813 Fax: (407) 365-9706 Prices represent open (spot) market sales by first handlers on product of generally good quality and condition unless otherwise stated and may include promotional allowances or other incentives. No consideration is given to after-sale adjustments unless otherwise stated. Reported prices generally include, but are not limited to, applicable brokerage fees and commissions, Customs fees and duties, U.S. packaging and U.S. freight costs prior to first sale, paid by the shipper/seller. Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis excludes all charges for freight after sale. OR_FV120 Website: Plant City, FL Cloudy/T-Storms 59- 84F Palmetto, FL Cloudy/T-Storms 64- 81F Homestead, FL Partly Cloudy 69- 88F Immokalee, FL Mostly Cloudy 65- 87F Pompano Beach, FL Partly Cloudy 68- 90F CENTRAL & SOUTH FLORIDA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---BEANS: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET STEADY. Includes palletizing and precooling. bushel cartons/crates Round Green Type Machine Picked 10.35-12.85 mostly 10.85 occasional lower few previous commitments higher ---CORN-SWEET: SUPPLY WHITE VERY LIGHT. DEMAND BI-COLOR FAIRLY LIGHT, OTHERS MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Palletizing and precooling included. cartons/crates Yellow 4 dz min 12.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 occas lower White 4 dz min 13.95-14.95 mostly 14.95 Bi-Color 4 dz min 12.95-14.95 mostly 12.95 occas lower ---CUCUMBERS: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET MEDIUM LOWER, FAIR QUALITY SLIGHTLY LOWER, CARTON 24S ABOUT STEADY. Includes palletizing and precooling. WAXED 1 1/9 bushel cartons med 16.35-20.85 mostly 18.35 few including previous commitments higher fr qual 14.35-16.85 mostly 14.35 cartons 24s 8.35-10.85 mostly 8.35 ---EGGPLANT: SUPPLY INSUFFICIENT AND IN TOO FEW HANDS TO ESTABLISH A MARKET. ---PEPPERS, BELL TYPE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Includes palletizing and precooling. 1 1/9 bushel cartons Green jbo 16.35-16.85 mostly 16.35 few higher and lower exlge 16.35-18.85 mostly 16.35 lge 14.35-14.85 mostly 14.35 few lower irreg sz fr qual 10.35-12.85 mostly 12.35 occasional higher ---PEPPERS, OTHER: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Includes palletizing and precooling. 1 1/9 bushel cartons Cubanelles 22.35-24.85 mostly 22.35-24.35 few lower Jalapeno 26.35-29.85 mostly 26.35 occasional higher and lower Long Hot 38.35-40.85 mostly 38.35-40.35 few lower Poblano 18.35-20.85 mostly 18.35-20.35 ---SQUASH: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ZUCCHINI SLIGHTLY LOWER, YELLOW STRAIGHTNECK ABOUT STEADY. Includes palletizing and precooling. 1/2 bushel cartons Zucchini sml 6.35-8.85 mostly 6.35-7.35 few lower occasional higher med 4.35-6.85 mostly 4.35-5.35 occasional higher Yellow Straightneck sml 8.35-12.85 mostly 10.35 few lower occasional higher med 6.35-10.85 mostly 8.35 few lower occasional higher ---TOMATOES: DEMAND GOOD. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. 25 lb cartons loose Mature Greens 85% U.S. One or Better 5x6 sz 24.95-26.95 mostly 24.95 one label 27.00 6x6 sz 24.95-26.95 mostly 24.95 one label 27.00 6x7 sz 24.95-26.95 mostly 24.95 ---TOMATOES, CHERRY: SUPPLY LIGHT. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET LOWER. Palletizing and precooling included. In few hands. Wide range in prices. flats 12 1-pt baskets with lids 18.95-20.95 one label low as 12.00 ---TOMATOES, GRAPE TYPE: SUPPLY ORGANIC LIGHT. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Palletizing and precooling included. flats 12 1-pt containers with lids 9.95-10.00 20 lb cartons loose 18.95-19.00 ORGANIC flats 12 1-pt containers with lids 20.95-22.95 few 24.95 ---TOMATOES, PLUM TYPE: DEMAND MODERATE. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Extra services included. Wide range in prices. 25 lb cartons loose Roma exlge 24.95-25.00 some previous commitments 20.95 lge 24.95-25.00 some previous commitments 20.95 med 22.95-23.00 some previous commitments 20.95 NORTH, CENTRAL & SOUTH FLORIDA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---CABBAGE: DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Precooling included. 50 lb cartons Round Green Type med 9.00-10.35 few high as 12.00, occas lower Red Type med 15.00-16.00 few high as 18.00 1 3/4 bushel crates and 40 lb cartons Savoy Type med 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 occas 16.00 SOUTH FLORIDA Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis VEGETABLES 2023 Season ---ENDIVE: SUPPLY VERY LIGHT. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET LOWER. Precoling includeed. Supplies in few hands. Include some 14 and 16 count packs. 1 1/9 bushel cartons/crates 18s 16.95-17.95 24s 16.95-18.95 ---ESCAROLE: SUPPLY LIGHT. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET LOWER. Precooling included. Supplies in few hands. Include some 14 and 16 count packs. 1 1/9 bushel cartons/crates 18s 16.95-17.95 24s 16.95-18.95 ---RADISHES: SUPPLY FAIRLY LIGHT. DEMAND FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Precooling included. cartons topped 30 6-oz film bags Red 12.45-13.45 cartons topped 14 1-lb film bags Red 12.95-13.95 40 lb film bags topped Red 22.95 one label few 26.95