N6673 CO RD XX, HOLMEN WI 54636 608-526-9277 |
Contract Options Target Price Offers (TPO) This is an offer to sell your grain or buy grain from us at a firm price and designated delivery period. This offer is flexible and may be canceled prior to pricing. This contract takes the emotion out of pricing decisions and allows you to make market decisions in a business manner. There is no fee for this service. Purchase Contract (PC) This contract is the basic contract for the purchase of grain. The farmer has a quantity of grain on hand and wishes to set a definite price and time period of delivery. There is no fee for this service. Navigator Contract (NC) This contract allows you to sell your grain and still stay in the market by re-establishing futures price, then pricing out your futures at a later time. The resulting gain or loss in the futures market is your gain or loss. 3-cent fee for this contract. Paid 50% at time of delivery. Deferred Payment (DP) This contract is similar to a Purchase Contract. There is a set bushel amount, price, and delivery period. The only difference is the contract will be paid out at a later date, often times after the first of the year. Minimum Price Contract (MPC) This contract is one of the safest opportunities for a farmer to participate in the market movement to increase the price he (she) receives for the grain. The benefits are, all costs are defined, the producer receives a floor price (minimum) up front and can participate in any market rally with a defined risk (premium). In comparison to storage, shrink and handling costs, the premium cost might be a better value. This contract changes the ownership of the grain from farmer to elevator upon delivery of grain. Paid 100% at time of delivery. Sales Contracts (SC) This is a firm offer to buy a predetermined price and for a predetermined delivery time and established number of bushels of grain. This contract can be written as a forward sales contract. There is no fee for this service. Basis Contracts (BC) This contract allows you to lock in the basis but not the futures price. This contract changes ownership of the grain from farmer to elevator upon delivery. There is no fee for this service. Hedge to Arrive (HTA) This contract allows you to lock in the futures price but not the basis. There is a 2-cent fee for this service. Basis must be set prior to delivery. One roll is allowed for a 2-cent fee. If there is no established contract, the cash price will be paid on the day the grain was delivered. The cash price is established at 1:30 PM upon market close.
- Wheat Higher on Thursday Morning
- Wheat futures are up across the three exchanges to kick off Thursday. The wheat complex posted gains across the three exchanges on Wednesday. Chicago SRW futures were up 2 ¾ to 5 cents at the close. KC HRW was a penny to 4 ¼ cents higher across the board. MPLS...
- Cotton Slightly Higher on Thursday
- Cotton prices are trade with 10 to 15 point gains on Thursday morning. Futures ended the Wednesday session with contracts up 60 to 192 points across the board. The dollar index was up just 112 points on the day, with crude oil futures back up $1.68/barrel. Now Hurricane Francine made...
- Soybeans Popping on Thursday Morning
- Soybeans are trading with Thursday morning gains of 6 to 7 cents. They pulled out of the Wednesday session with gains of 2 ¼ to 5 cents across the board at the close. Soymeal futures helped out with gains of $2.30 to $2.90/ton. Soy Oil futures saw losses of 21...
- Hogs Shift Focus to Thursday after Wednesday Gains
- Lean hog futures posted gains of 15 cents to $1.20 in most nearbys on Wednesday, with some deferreds steady to a quarter lower. The national average base hog price was reported at $77.25 on Wednesday afternoon, down $1.09 from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index was $85.56 on...
- Corn Rallying Ahead of USDA Reports
- Corn prices are trading with 3 to 4 cent gains so far on Thursday morning. Futures closed out the Wednesday session with contracts fractionally to 1 ½ cents higher. December settled at $4.04 ¾. The cmdtyView cash index was up ½ cent on the day to $3.69 ¼. There were...
- Cattle Traders Look to Thursday Trade
- Live cattle futures ended Wednesday with gains of 57 to 90 cent gains across the board. Cash trade has yet to kick off this week, with some light sales of $180-181 reported in the South. Wednesday’s Fed Cattle Exchange showed no sales on the 1,422 head listed, with bids of...